Korrosionsschutz für die Industrie
Telefon: 0049 – (0)4154 – 993 740 0

TimeMAX Industry

Corrosion Protection for Industrial Purposes

TimeMAX Korrosionsschutz GmbH is a medium-size company located in Hamburg.
We develop and distribute corrosion protection products.

Our company philosophy is „Product Development by Testing“.
Before we put a new product on the market the material has to pass extreme endurance and time-lapse tests. For example, we have our own test site for testing sheets on the North Sea island of Heligoland. The test site is located directly on the beach. Here the testing sheets with the samples are exposed to very harsh conditions: salt water, ultraviolet light, and lots of oxygen.

This way we can ensure that our products will work later in „harsh reality“: on ships, on turbines and in industrial use.
For more information see chapter „Internal Testing“ .

Multiple times our products have been tested by independent institutions and have received very good evaluations. Three times our corrosion protection greases TimeMAX 1000 and TimeMAX 2000 made first place in the world’s up-to-now largest test of corrosion protection agents (Magazine Oldtimer Markt, 9/2013). Furthermore the „German Lloyd“ tested and certified our repair paint TimeMAX PAINT REPAIR.

Chapter „External Testing“ shows some examples!

Werkstatt & Ausstellungsräume

TimeMAX GmbH & Co. KG
Nikolaus-Otto-Str. 17
D - 22946 Trittau

Telefon: +49 – (0)4154 – 993 740 0

Lager & Shop

TimeMAX Korrosionsschutz GmbH
Nikolaus-Otto-Str. 17
D - 22946 Trittau

Telefon: +49 – (0)40 – 52 90 10 42

Anfahrt zur TimeMAX-Werkstatt