Our testing object is a steel ship approximately 15 metres long. It ran aground during a winter storm. The disaster probably happened in the winter of 1962.
All of 53 years later, in the winter of 2015, we discovered the wreck for our purposes: The ship is an almost ideal testing object for us. Half a day it is freely accessible on the intertidal mudflats, the other half it vanishes beneath the water. A t the highest level of the high tide it is completely submerged.
There also is a strong mechanical stress. The permanent up and down of the waves creates an abrasive wear of the coatings!
The wind is important for testing: the more oxygen is brought to the testing sheets, the higher the exposure to corrosion.
For further information about our tests on the ship wreck see www.timemax.de. Note for our readers from other countries: we did not translate these pages. Just have a look at the pictures.