On the isle of Heligoland, in the middle of the salty North Sea, several institutes and universities maintain testing sites. Here corrosion protections agents can be tested under challenging conditions. On the small island test are run for industry as well as for the German Navy. Especially directly on the coast the corrosion-boosting conditions are extreme: There is a lot of oxygen and the air always contains a lot of salt.
Also, the extremely strong ultra-violet light at sea is a problem for corrosion protection agents: it ages almost all coatings significantly faster.
We are especially taken by the area around the Juliusturm. It is where we started our tests on Heligoland in December 2010.
This little film will show you how stormy it gets here, especially during winter. It was taken by Jörn Kessels. The film-maker and photographer has been living on Heligoland for many years. Here he is known as the “storm-photographer”.
The tower is approximately twelve metres high and located directly at a mole.
Not only during stormy weather but also at calm seas the waves crash against the obstacle reaching far into the sea. The salt-water is dispersed and ends up on the top of the tower during night and day.
Before a new TimeMAX product is put on the market we test it here in different mixtures against the best material by our competitors.
For further information about our tests on Heligoland see www.timemax.de. Note for our readers from other countries: We did not translate these pages. Just have a look at the pictures.